miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Myth and legends.

The Legend of  Devil's Alley

There is a legend here in México about a alley with dark passageway, lined with leafy trees, which also went through a solitary walkway. In that place there was a humble shack and inside a sick man lived. The alley was lonely ever and the legend says that after midnight the evil would appear. One night a brave man to display his courage ignored all the warnings that people said. He walked slowly and when  almost halfway  a figure leaning against the trunk of a tree startled him it was the evil he star to  laugh  about the man and then he felt the earth sinking under his feet, he ran and managed to narrowly escape from a terrible death. The new of the evil stared to be kown by all the village. The authorities decided to take matters into their own hands and consulted with an expert in spirits and diabolic apparitions.  The wise man told them that the only way to stop the demon from leaving his refuge in the ally and terrorizing  the community, they had to take him daily offerings of jewels and gold coins. The presents would have to be placed under the tree. One day two fisher men visited the city and listen the legend, they laughed a outs that and I'm the night will prove that was a lie. At midnight they went to the  alley and when the devil get out they burn it with their torches. The "evil" was a old men that still all the jewelry  and gold. He was burn and sick. Some time after, the now healthy individual– who in the people's opinion was none other than that "fake devil"– repented of his sins and donated loads of jewelry to an institution for the poor.

The end.

For more information about this legend, please go to. 


This post was by: Enrique, Luar y Cristhian.

This very famous Greek myth, begins when the King of the Argos, King Acrisius was told by the Oracle of Delphi, that his very own grandson would someday murder him; scared that the oracle´s prophecy might come true, King Acrisius imprisioned his daughter Danae, in a room he built beneath the Earth to prevent the young lady from having any sexual intercourse so she wouldn´t get pregneant.
However, this was of no use, because Zeus came to Danae in the form of golden rain, going inside her body, eventually getting her preagnant. When the King found out about his daughter´s mysterious pregnancy and about Zeus being the baby´s father, he let his daughter and grandson out to sea on an ark, where the waves carried them to the shores of Serifos Island. Once in Serifos Island, they were adopted by a couple,who were really the  brother and sister-in-law of the King of the island Polydectes.
When Perseus grew up to become a good-looking, healthy, strong man, he found himself in the way of King Polydectes; the King wanted to make Danae his wife, but he knew he couldn´t have her as long as her son was there to protect her. King Polydectes decided to send Perseus on a dangerous, far away misión to get rid of him; Perseus was to bring the head of the gorgon Medusa to the king.
Medusa came from a family of three beautiful sisters, the gorgons, but Medusa was the only mortal one. Medusa was so gorgeous, that Poseidon, king of the sea, was madly in love with her, but Medusa did not give a damn about his feelings. Brokenhearted and furious, Poseidon turned Medusa and her sisters into monstrous creatures with live snakes covering their heads. Whenever anyone dared to look at Medusa in the eyes, that person would turn into stone.
When Perseus chopped off Medusa´s head,two offspring appeared from the drops of her blood; the winged horse, Pegasus, and a giant winged boar, Chrysaor. It is said that those two were the children of Medusa and Poseidon.
Anyway, once Perseus had accomplished his misión, Medusa´s sisters tried to attack him but he escaped; he used Medusa´s head as a weapon until he turned it over to Athena to place it on her shield.


What Maffer thinks about...

Myths and legends about Owls

There is a legend about the origin of the day and the night; the legend says that day was created by the wish of a rabbit while the night was created by an owl; this animal is nocturnal, that is the reason why it prefers to live in the dark; this legend was created by the Native Americans long time ago.
Also there are a lot of myths about this enigmatic animal, owls are described as mysterious, sinister, and funeral animals, but in my opinion they are awesome, wise and completely majestic. The most of the myths about owls tells that they are friends of the death, so people see owls like something negative, but those are only superstitions, anyway I think death is something natural and it is part of the life, I don’t see this as something bad, for me it is more intriguing and melancholy, and I love melancholy things like being alone in a deep forest.
Owls have particular big eyes which make them more intriguing, his deep eyes make them look mysterious, besides they have beautiful wings and tail with gorgeous feathers which function as camouflage depending on the place where owls live. Owls fly nimbly and powerfully, imposed on their prey while they elegantly decorate the most amazing woods.

Those are the reasons why owls are enigmatic and they are full of myths and legends all over the world.

The revenge of the owl

For more information about this, go to:
-Myths about owls
-Legend "Origin of the day and the night"
This was a post by: Maffer

Myth: Apollo & Cassandra

Apollo and Cassandra’s myth is one of many interesting ancient Greek myths.
It talks about the ancient Greek god, Apollo, one of Zeus sons, and Cassandra, a priestess from the city of Troy.
In ancient Greece, the citizens used to make temples to worship their different gods, each temple was dedicated to only one god. Every town had many temples. Apollo enjoyed visiting all the temples built in his honor.
The most famous temple dedicated to Apollo was the temple at Delphi, because that was where Apollo’s special oracle was located.
In the city of Troy they had built a very special and splendid temple for Apollo, so he decided to go and take a look on how the special temple was. There Apollo saw Cassandra, a beautiful young woman with great ambition. They stared at each other. Apollo was stunned by Cassandras’ beauty, and Cassandra got attracted by Apollo’s power and beauty as well.

Apollo was so delighted by her beauty that he decided to make a deal with her. Apollo was very fond of making deals. He offered to Cassandra that if she would give him a kiss, he would give her the gift of “prophecy”, she would be able to see the future. Immediately Cassandra accepted the deal, so he kissed him and Apollo gave her the ability to see into the future. Now she was able to see the future and the first thing she saw was not a very pleasant one! She saw Apollo helping to destroy her beloved city of Troy. She was so angry that she spitted over Apollo’s face. Apollo could not take away his gift, but he could add something to it, so he did. And what he added was that Cassandra was going to be able to see the future, but no one would believe a thing she said.

For more information about this myth, check out the following link: 


                                                Pókemon Suicides Myth

The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as "Lavender Town Tone" or "Lavender Town Suicides") was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pokémon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27, 1996.

Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached Lavender Town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear, since their ears are more sensible.

Due to the Lavender Tone, at least two-hundred children supposedly committed suicide, and many more developed illnesses and afflictions. The children who committed suicide usually did so by hanging or jumping from heights. Those who did not acted irrationally complained of severe headaches after listening to Lavender Town's theme.

Although Lavender Town now sounds differently depending on the game, this mass hysteria was caused by the first Pokémon game released. After the Lavender Tone incident, the programmers had fixed Lavender Town's theme music to be at a lower frequency, and since children were no longer affected by it.

For mor information please visit: 

Made by Ricardo & Raúl

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


Hi there!






An amazing quote to think about, from the american novelist: F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

What Maffer thinks about...

A review of an AMAZING book...

Today's blog is going to be about a book I just read, published by Anne Fortier in 2011, this novel is about a young woman who discover that he is descendant of Julieta Capuleto (from Romeo and Julieta) but there is a big mistery behind everything, when she starts her investigation she discover that the real name of Julieta is Giulietta Tolomei, and she is from Siena not from Verona, this novel has a lot of everything, romance, mistery, tragedy, is a medieval and contemporary story... Everyone who read this novel will be delighted whit the debut of this brilliant writer.

This was a post by: Maffer

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Health and technology

Food for Africa

From the medical school Washington University, he founded a therapeutic program to fight against the serious malnutrition problem which impact to around 20 million children under 5 years old in all the world. They created a packet which contain already done food (also know as RUTF ready-to-use- therapeutic food) it contains peanuts, vegetal oil, milk in powder form, vitamins, minerals and sugar. 

This feed is delivered to many countries with raised malnutrition levels like Malawi, Niger, Mali, Ethiopia, India, Somali and Sudan through supporting organizations.

This post was by: Joshua, Quique and Cristian.

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Funny facts!

The Banana's Swag Hat!

This is one of the most innovating protection system for those who wants them bananas looks swag <3

You can customize your banana's sticker with whatever you want.

You will be the envy of your friends and all of them will want to kill you,

This was a post by: Raúl and Ricardo.


A short history of music

Did you know that: The Prehistoric music, once more commonly called primitive music, is the name given to all music produced in prehistory

It is probable that the first musical instrument was the human voice itself, which can make a vast array of sounds, from singing, humming and whistling through to clickingcoughing and yawning

In 2008 archaeologists discovered a bone flute in the Hohle Fels cave near UlmGermany.
This could be the first music instrument in human history
 The five-holed flute has a V-shaped mouthpiece and is made from a vulture wing bone.

This was a post by: Héctor.