miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Myth: Apollo & Cassandra

Apollo and Cassandra’s myth is one of many interesting ancient Greek myths.
It talks about the ancient Greek god, Apollo, one of Zeus sons, and Cassandra, a priestess from the city of Troy.
In ancient Greece, the citizens used to make temples to worship their different gods, each temple was dedicated to only one god. Every town had many temples. Apollo enjoyed visiting all the temples built in his honor.
The most famous temple dedicated to Apollo was the temple at Delphi, because that was where Apollo’s special oracle was located.
In the city of Troy they had built a very special and splendid temple for Apollo, so he decided to go and take a look on how the special temple was. There Apollo saw Cassandra, a beautiful young woman with great ambition. They stared at each other. Apollo was stunned by Cassandras’ beauty, and Cassandra got attracted by Apollo’s power and beauty as well.

Apollo was so delighted by her beauty that he decided to make a deal with her. Apollo was very fond of making deals. He offered to Cassandra that if she would give him a kiss, he would give her the gift of “prophecy”, she would be able to see the future. Immediately Cassandra accepted the deal, so he kissed him and Apollo gave her the ability to see into the future. Now she was able to see the future and the first thing she saw was not a very pleasant one! She saw Apollo helping to destroy her beloved city of Troy. She was so angry that she spitted over Apollo’s face. Apollo could not take away his gift, but he could add something to it, so he did. And what he added was that Cassandra was going to be able to see the future, but no one would believe a thing she said.

For more information about this myth, check out the following link: 

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