miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

What Maffer thinks about...

Myths and legends about Owls

There is a legend about the origin of the day and the night; the legend says that day was created by the wish of a rabbit while the night was created by an owl; this animal is nocturnal, that is the reason why it prefers to live in the dark; this legend was created by the Native Americans long time ago.
Also there are a lot of myths about this enigmatic animal, owls are described as mysterious, sinister, and funeral animals, but in my opinion they are awesome, wise and completely majestic. The most of the myths about owls tells that they are friends of the death, so people see owls like something negative, but those are only superstitions, anyway I think death is something natural and it is part of the life, I don’t see this as something bad, for me it is more intriguing and melancholy, and I love melancholy things like being alone in a deep forest.
Owls have particular big eyes which make them more intriguing, his deep eyes make them look mysterious, besides they have beautiful wings and tail with gorgeous feathers which function as camouflage depending on the place where owls live. Owls fly nimbly and powerfully, imposed on their prey while they elegantly decorate the most amazing woods.

Those are the reasons why owls are enigmatic and they are full of myths and legends all over the world.

The revenge of the owl

For more information about this, go to:
-Myths about owls
-Legend "Origin of the day and the night"
This was a post by: Maffer

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